Actress Diane Keaton, a trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, was behind the fight to save the Ambassador Hotel, and yesterday the Los Angeles Times published her Op-Ed on the topic. All is not lost, according to Keaton! She has words of encouragement to preservationists, writing that energy issues could play an important role in deciding whether or not to save older buildings. Additionally, local architects will pretty much fall in love with Keaton for this graph: "I'll never understand why architecture is considered a second cousin to painting and film. We've never been married to our romance with architecture. A building, unlike a canvas or a DVD, is a massive work of art with many diverse uses. We watch movies in buildings. We look at paintings on their walls. We pray in cathedrals. We live inside places we call homes. Home gives us faith in the belief of a well-lived life." There's a lot more--and it's all pretty stirring to anyone interested in the Ambassador. Meanwhile, the latest shot of the now-encased pylon from the hotel; construction of the park (this part of the site) continues.
· The Ambassador Hotel lesson [LA Times]
· Wilshire Park, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Breaking Ground Later This Month [Curbed LA]For more stories from Curbed LA, go to