Fake Darling Tower Rendering Confusing Westsiders

"Have you see what they're going to build at La Cienega and Olympic? It's huge!" Yesterday an upset friend who lives in Cheviot Hills told us about about a rendering that has gone up on the corner of La Cienega and Olympic. We checked it out, but hah! It's some sort of viral advertising nonsense. Those ads (for a new ABC TV show) have been displayed in other ways, but this is the first time that we've heard of anyone actually being misled--to the point of being upset--by them. A spokesperson for City Councilman Jack Weiss's office says this lot has been vacant for 20 years and there are no plans to build on it. So the lot will remain in the hands of viral marketers and vigilant citizens.
· Rumblings & Bumblings Update: The Dirt Lot on Olympic [Curbed LA]For more stories from Curbed LA, go to la.curbed.com.

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