NBC4 is committed to the drought crisis and the ongoing series “Running Dry.” On October 11, NBC4 partnered with the Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) to host a community conversation and open house about the impact of the drought on the community and ways we can all be water-wise.
NBC4 Weathercaster Fritz Coleman and Meteorologist Crystal Egger co-hosted the event with Orange County Bureau Chief Vikki Vargas, Inland Empire Bureau Chief Tony Shin and Reporter Hetty Chang as panelists.
The conversation kicked off with a brief screening of the NBC4 Drought Special, and was followed by an informative discussion with key experts and approximately 500 members of the community about the drought crisis.
Panelists included IRWD Board President Steve LaMar, Orange CountyFire Authority Interim Fire Chief Jeff Bowman and Agriculture Expert and Irvine-based farmer AG Kawamura, also the former California Secretary of Agriculture.
The event also included refreshments and family-friendly activities with interactive booths, raffles and giveaways to promote ways residents can apply water-efficient practices at home and in the garden.
Stay tuned to NBC4, NBCLA.com and NBCLA.com/Community for more community events on the drought and other critical topics important to your neighborhood.