Would we call "The Wizard of Oz" the Hollywoodiest of all Hollywood movies?
Yes. Period. And that the outdoor-film-screening collective Cinespia has chosen it as the first film of its 2010 Hollywood Forever summertime Saturday night series feels right. "The Wizard of Oz" plays on Saturday, May 15; gates open at 7 p.m.
Both "The Wizard of Oz" and that fabled, Hollywood-based cemetery have Tinseltown connections that go way back. Both are beyond loved; in fact, we'll call them beloved. And both film and place speak to themes of home and permanence, something too many people consider all too fleeting in a town of revolving backdrops.
So do we adore the fact that the Hollywoodiest of movies has "home" at its heart? Why yes. We do.
Night is $10. $5 parking within the gates.