Riverside Family Living in Fear After Father Attacks Mother With Box Cutter

A Riverside family is living in fear after Maria Diego, mother of five children, says her husband, Juan Andres, came to the family's home Friday and began stabbing her in the neck and head.

Diego spent time in the hospital following the attack, and she still bears the marks of her attacker. Diego says that before Andres attacker her, he said, "I came to kill you."

Angelica Antonio, Diego's sister, says the attack occurred in front of the couple's children, and the children tackled the father to allow the mother to get away. Soon after, Andres fled on foot.

Riverside Police say Andres has been arrested for domestic violence in the past. Anotnio says the incident was for attacking her sister and also that the couple is going through a divorce.

"We really don't know where he's at right now," Antonio says. "He could be across the street for all we know. We want him to get caught, and we're really scared."

Antonio says about the children, "They're very scared of their dad. It's scarred them for life."

Now, police say Andres is wanted for attempted murder.

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