Rumblings & Bumblings Responses: Space 15 Twenty, Orchard Gables and Big Woody on Wilshire

Thank you for your helpful comments this week. Readers are welcome to submit new questions for next week at this time to We will post them on Tuesday.

[Space 15 Twenty, proposed site of Hollywood's big new Urban Outfitters]

1) Hollywood: As several of you noted, the big construction project between Cahuenga and Ivar, south of Selma is going to be a big new Urban Outfitters. We dug up some info that we had posted back in January. "Plans were... presented for an Urban Outfitters development in a 30,000-sq.ft. building extending from Cahuenga to Ivar. Plans are to open by this fall. Existing buildings will be renovated and a walk-through will be created where there is an alley to allow for a restaurant and other related boutiques." Further research finds that the project known as Space 15 Twenty is being developed by Los Angeles based Root Development. UPDATE: Our quicker than us sister is already there and she posted on the store today. Take a look at it.

2) Hollywood: Regarding the Orchard Gables small lot subdivision project, we found no new info that might shed light on when groundbreaking would occur. Permits are currently being sought to begin conversion of the Orchard Gables Cottage into a non-profit facility.

3) West LA: The big wooden structure going up at 12026 Wilshire Boulevard, just east of Wilshire and Bundy, is a six-story, 20-unit condo project with one level of parking at-grade and one subterranean level. Looking through the Planning documents available online, the project appears to be named the Wilshire West Towers. Per the project approval from 2005, it will contain 50 parking spaces and have a height of 65 feet. We're pretty sure there will be lots of stucco involved.For more stories from Curbed LA, go to

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