Novato Mural Sparks Controversy After Characters' Skin Tone Get Lightened

The unveiling of a new mural in Novato meant to depict diversity and inclusion has been postponed after images of people of color were reportedly altered to appear lighter.

Some of the mural’s creators are outraged, but the woman who asked for the changes said it is all a misunderstanding.

Ana Camacho along with other student from Novato High School came together to paint a mural with themes of inclusion at the Margaret Todd Senior Center.

"I heard that brown faces had been painted over to make them white," Camacho said. 

The lead artist said she deeply regrets making the changes but confirms commission member Gloria Dunn Violin from Age Friendly Novato made a request for more light skinned people.

"Age Friendly Novato deeply regrets this misunderstanding and actions taken to alter the mural," Dunn said in a statement.

Students at the school felt lighting the skin of those depicted in the mural felt personal.

"I thought it was racist and inappropriate especially in this time,"

Dunn said she hopes to meet with the students as a sign of respect and that they can complete the mural in a way that is respectful to everyone.

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