Another Jab at the Mayor

The most recent critique of Mayor Antoino Villaraigosa comes to us in the form of a ridiculous YouTube video.

The LA Weekly reports that Matthew Olay made the video spoof of the mayor's work habits. Compared to that LA Magazine cover, the latest punch at Villaraigosa is more comical jab than devastating roundhouse.

Olay told LA Weekly that its article, "The All-About-Me-Mayor: Antonio Villaraigosa's Frenetic Self-Promotion," served as his inspiration for the two-minute animated rap production. The September 2008 article looks at how much time mayor spent on city business.

The Weekly came up with a figure of 11 percent.

That gave Olay plenty with which to work. See his video below -- yes, it's a ripoff of SNL's "Like A Boss."

Political writer and former Daily News editor Ron Kaye asks whether the video, which crosses the line and continues on a course to raunchy and absurd, is fair or unfair.

The video had nearly 1,700 views by Thursday morning. It was posted Aug. 10.

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