A Modesto man was attacked while passing out Yes On Prop 8 signs last Sunday.
Jose Nunez, 37, who became a U.S. citizen two months ago, was outside St. Stanislaus Catholic Church when an unidentified man grab about 75 of the signs and ran. Nunez took chase, and when he caught up the man punched him the face.
Proposition 8 supporters, who are fighting to overturn gay marriage in California by changing language in the state Constitution, describe this incident as part of “a wave of intimidation and violence up and down the state.”
According to Chip White, Californians from around the state have reported being harassed by people who are against Prop. 8. Among the incidents he related were: verbal harassment of Prop.8 supporters on the freeway, including obscene gestures; the theft of yard signs; and a woman in Riverside, California who had her garage sprayed with graffiti. [Catholic News Agency]
The Bay Area Reporter, a gay community targeted news source, says the Prop 8 debate has become “ugly on both sides”:
In Fair Oaks, a suburb of Sacramento, sheriff’s deputies were called to a home Saturday after it was reported that a neighborhood teenager burned No on 8 yard signs. The teenager was taken into custody for a 72-hour psychological evaluation. While the youth was in custody, a third sign was stolen from the same home.