Porter Ranch

SoCalGas Releases Statement on Reimbursements

Amid outrage by Porter Ranch residents following some confusion in reimbursements for the Aliso Canyon gas leak, SoCalGas has released a statement and a step-by-step guide for residents on how to get reimbursed.

"SoCal Gas is working very hard to respond to every inquiry from every resident and to process reimbursement requests as expeditiously as possible. As of March 3, 2016, SoCalGas has approved and processed over 17,000 reimbursements, totaling over $36 million."

According to SoCalGas, 90 percent of all relocated residents used direct billing through temporary house providers, but for those who did not, the company spelled out the necessary steps in their statement:

1. Review the Incident Reimbursement Checklist. Verify all the information and documentation necessary is included in the request.

2. Verify all information on the Reimbursement Form is accurate and complete. Residents need to make sure that all of the information on the reimbursement form is completely filled in. Any missing information can delay the processing of the reimbursement.

3. Make sure all information is legible.

4. Duplicate requests can slow the reimbursement process. Please recognize reimbursement processing may take several weeks given the steps involved. Residents with questions about the status of their request may contact their Community Liaison.

If a resident does not have an assigned Community Liaison, he or she can call 818-435-7707 or email AlisoCanyon@socalgas.com.

Residents can also visit www.alisoupdates.com for more detailed information for reimbursements.

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