Royal Wedding: All the Pomp and Circumstance SoCal Residents Can Partake In

One of our fellow Angelenos is marrying into the British monarchy this weekend, so how can all of us in Southern California celebrate our local-girl becoming a royal?

NBCLA's multimedia journalist Aliya Jasmine talks with her former colleague, E! News chief correspondent and royal insider, Melanie Bromley, about all the pomp and circumstance SoCal residents can take part in from the what to eat, what to drink, where and how to watch, what to wear, and where to buy Prince Harry & Meghan Markle merchandise (mugs, anyone?!). 

We also check in with NBC4's own Robert Kovacik who is reporting on-location from across the pond.

For more on the royal wedding and how you can take part in the festivities here in Southern California, bookmark

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