Good to see the Anaheim Ducks' reputation for the rough stuff carries over to the front office.
WJBK FOX 2 in Detroit is reporting tonight that "a stage manager for a media outlet" has accused Ducks General Manager Bob Murray of hitting her with a stool after he was enraged by Dan Cleary's game-winning goal in Thursday's Game 7 at Joe Louis Arena.
From FOX:
While the players were on the ice exchanging handshakes, high above in an executive suite Ducks General Manager Bob Murray was seething over the controversial goal that ended his team's quest for the Stanley Cup.
A Detroit Police report lead to an assault investigation involving Murray. An upset and angry Murray, the report notes, picked up a high bar stool and hit 55-year-old Rachel Paris on the left chest, arm and shoulder area. She was treated by first aid personnel and interviewed by police.
Paris said in a phone interview she was in the press box working as a stage manager for a media outlet that she would not identify. A passionate Red Wings fan, Paris said Murray was apparently upset over her enthusiasm and used a stool on her to express his displeasure.
Paris said she declined to file a formal police report against Murray; FOX's attempts to contact Murray were unanswered and the Ducks told the station they had no comment.
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While many will read this story and think "NHL GM is accused of momentarily losing marbles, assaulting woman," let it also stand as a compelling illustration as for why you don't cheerlead in the press box if you're a fan of one of the teams playing. If you ever wanted to know why most hockey writers look like sullen curmudgeons with the enthusiasm of a mortician during an NHL game, it's not because they don't have a fan's passion burning inside of them; it's because they'd rather not have a team executive pummel them with furniture.
At the very least, we finally know the difference between a Major League Baseball GM and a National Hockey League GM: One collects urine samples, and the other handles stool.
H/T Kukla's Korner for the story. (UPDATE: Puck Buddy 'Glubki' points us to this LA Times story that has Murray saying, "It was a complete accident ... I've spoken with her and cleared it all up.")