
Teenage Girl Escapes Attempted Kidnapping in Riverside

Riverside police officers responded to the call of a possible kidnapping on the 6200 block of Rutland avenue in the Arlanza neighborhood of Riverside early Tuesday morning.

A teenage girl was allegedly approached by a man described as a Hispanic male in his 30s, about 5’5” tall with a thin build, tan skin tone and a clean shaven, round face. Riverside Police Department provided a sketch of the man.

The man allegedly struck the teenage girl with a metal object as he tried to force her into his vehicle.

She was able to fight him off and run away as the man fled the scene in a 2010 to 2013, 4-door, white Toyota Tundra with tinted windows. There was no information on the vehicle’s license plate.

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Anyone who may recognize the suspect or have information on this case is advised to contact Detective Christi Arnold at (951) 353-7945 or carnold@riversideca.gov, or Detective Brandi Merrill at (951) 353-7120 or bmerrill@riversideca.gov.

For anyone with information who would like to remain anonymous, they are advised to email rpdtips@riversideca.gov or utilize the Riverside Police Department’s mobile app “SUBMIT A TIP” feature while referencing report number 190022446.

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