Help Weave a Giant Work of Abstract Art

Tangle, a downtown art happening, invites families to create a marvelous web.

Think back to when you were just a tot. It was raining outside and your parents advised you, after hearing that you were bored for the ninth time, to dig in the junk drawer and make something.

And there it was, a spool of string, string that could be wound around doorknobs and drawer handles and, well, everywhere. Is there anything more wonderful to string, or ribbon, or unspoolable materials, to a kid? The answer is a resounding "nope." There just isn't.

Now picture long strands of soft, colorful elastic filling an entire room, and picture other kids stringing it around poles and hither and yon. That's "Tangle," an "interactive weaving event" hosted by the Polyglot Theatre from Australia, an outfit known for creating outlandish and inventive theatrical installations which encourage families to join in.

"Tangle" will be unspooling in Los Angeles for three days during the Figat7th Downtown Festival.

So, what's to know? "Tangle" is rolling out seven times over three days. The dates? Friday, June 7 through Sunday, June 9.

It's free, which is exactly how we like our interactive weaving events to be.

Each artist -- that's you -- get a ball of elastic. Music will provide inspiration as you weave.

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And there'll be 24 poles with which to work with, and lots, and we do mean lots, of soft elastic to wrap. We'd dress comfortably, since you may be ducking under elastic and getting caught in the middle of all of that wonderful color.

Just tell the kids that not only do they get to make the art, they get to stand inside the art, too. How often does that happen?

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