Sip Beach-Close Cocktails at the Pop-Up Botanical Bar

Enjoy a libation inspired by the ocean at the "Pacific-facing" spot.

Rules, as in the hard and fast kind? They rarely apply, for every situation has a knack for being fairly singular.

But we can say this: Limited-time pop-up experiences, in the wintertime, tend to cluster indoors. It's a weather-dependent fact, and few would quibble with it.

Come the late spring, though, and the summertime?

You'll find fanciful happenings going the alfresco route, as people rather like enjoying the sunshine, or marine layer, or that curiously charming combination of the two, while they can.

Shutters on the Beach is responding to this very wish, with its new Botanical Bar.

The pop-up has been a weekends-only kind of thing since its debut in late March, but it is about to move to a daily schedule, starting on Saturday, May 4 through to June 20.

The experience becomes devote to rosés on June 21.

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But as spring flows to summer? You'l be able to sip a line-up of "ocean-inspired libations," including the Citrus Whale Tail Spritzer and Cucumber Blue.

Snacks perfect for viewing the salt water will also be on the menu, if you're in the mood for light fare like a watermelon and feta salad.

The Botanical Bar's schedule is geared to you catching the Golden Hour, a feature that further enhances its alfresco cred.

Meaning? The ocean-adjacent affair is open each Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m. to sunset, and from 3 p.m. to sunset on weekdays.

True story: A lifetime only has so many Golden Hours, and trips to the ocean, and Pacific-cool cocktails, and chances to visit a limited-time pop-up that sits in a splendid spot made for observing the ocean.

Best visit the Botanical Bar before spring is done, and so is its all-too-brief run.

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