Studio City Love Letter

Do you call it home? A book details favorite stories and spots.

If you've ever visited another town -- we assume yes, since, within Southern California, there are hundreds of 'em, each one distinctly itself -- you know that the guidebook will very often devote a sidebar or entire page to famous actors and film people born in or associated with the town.

Doesn't matter the state or country this town is in, either. Every place hearts Hollywood.

It's pretty cute, if you like pop culture. But what do you do if literally every fourth or fifth person who has ever touched the movie industry in some way has lived in, worked in, eaten in, or called upon a certain city? A page in a guidebook isn't nearly enough for all of the tales to be told.

So you devote a whole book to the stories of the stars and the other yarns associated with particular area. Joann Deutch, a former President of the Studio City Chamber of Commerce Board, does just that in "Studio City: A Mile of Style."

The dishy tome covers the many, many stars associated with the Valley burg, from John Wayne to Joni Mitchell to filmmaker Mack Sennett. We know, we know -- Silverlake practically owns all things Mack Sennett, but Studio City can lay some serious claim to very early moviemaking, too.

Also, Wilacre Park and CBS/Radford and Fryman get the local love, too.

A few things to think about: Shouldn't every last one of SoCal's communities have their own zippy, tale-packed book written by someone involved with the chamber of commerce? This should probably be a prerequisite, because there are so many stories that remain untold (and so many that we hear time and again that could probably be retired).

The Scene

Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

Peek (and eek) inside the ‘Hall of Shadows,' the huge haunt space at Midsummer Scream

Hundreds of marionettes will prance in an ‘Enchanted' fashion at this adorable revue

And two: Have you loved on Studio City today? It does give Hollywood a run for its money in terms of star wattage and history. And, let's be honest, sheer Hollywoodiness. So, longtimers, what's more Hollywoody than Hollywood? Perhaps a certain place that has "studio" in its very name.

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