Orange County

Sup at Santa Ana's OC Vegan Fest

Start your 2020 with an array of vegetable-fresh, tum-hearty choices.

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What to Know

  • Sunday, Jan. 5
  • 253 E. 3rd Street in Santa Ana
  • Free

No one will pry into your resolutions.

No one is going to ask you to divulge where you're going with your goals.

As to what you want to do, plan-wise, in 2020? Keep it in your heart, and on your calendar, but don't feel obligated to share.

We all are walking our own paths into the new year, but where those paths likely meet involves great grub, the sort of food that's healthy and filling and gives us the requisite get-up-and-go, which we need in order to fulfill our other resolutions.

It's a good thing, then, that a large vegan gathering is popping up in Downtown Santa Ana just days after 2020 entered our worlds.

Entry to the Jan. 5 event is free, which is a word we especially treasure as the holidays vamoose, but you'll want to show with dough to spend at the vendors set to show (over two dozen are on the list).

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Will you dine at Vegan Hooligans, LOBO Cuban Food, Shane's Tamales, Maya's Cookies, or all of the above?

You've got seven hours to browse, nosh, rest, nosh some more, and do some resolution-based pondering, if you're still letting those goals form.

But where better to form goals then at a gourmand-tastic gathering of vegan-focused food-perfecting pros?

Register now and get the details about the where/when/so forth before going DSA.

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