Big Bear Lake Village Scarecrow Fest

The quaint competition kicks off on Friday, Sept. 15.

DON'T HAVE A CORNFIELD... out the backdoor? Or any sort of leafy spread that grows food? And yet you kind of want to build a scarecrow, from scratch, complete with a hay-filled shirt and baggie breeches and a slightly askew hat? Here's the thing: You absolutely can. For scarecrows have left the fields that they're associated with and entered wider popular culture over the last several decades, showing up as porch decorations, children's costumes, and the sorts of seasonal symbols found on party plates and napkins. If you need inspiration, and you don't know if your nearest cornfield is sporting a scarecrow at the moment, all you need to do is make your way to Big Bear Lake Village after...

FRIDAY, SEPT. 15: That's the launch date of the 4th annual Big Bear Lake Village Scarecrow Festival, and area merchants will be placing all sorts of fall-ready figures outside of their shops and businesses. Some scarecrows will be traditional, some more modern, and all will be competing in one of six categories. Traditional, in fact, happens to be one of the categories, which also include spookiest, best use of recycled material, most humorous, most reflective of the business or organization, and best reflection of Big Bear. You have through Monday, Oct. 30 to cast your vote and the awards ceremony is on Halloween 2017. But the scarecrows will remain up around town through...

MONDAY, NOV. 6, so swing through on your next trip of the mountain and find your autumnal inspiration, for free, by just lookie-loo-ing around. Need a map? Try the Big Bear Visitors Center or a participating merchant.

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