Tomatoes Go on Tour (Really)

Tomatomania!, the heirloom tomato seedling fest, will call upon several California gardens and garden centers in the weeks ahead.


LET'S NOT ARGUE, but a great grilled cheese is made even greater by a slice of tomato. Purists may gamely suggest that this is not a true grilled cheese, while tomato people will get into the specifics on how thin (or awesomely thick) the slice should be. But if you've got a really good tomato slice, from an amazing heirloom, chances are strong that you're going to bite into one of the best sandwiches of your life, depending on your cheese and bread choices (go Gouda and sourdough). Where, though, can you go to find some of the swankiest, yes, swankiest seedlings from the august realm of heirloom tomato cultivation? In a word...

TOMATOMANIA! should be your focus. Nope, that isn't an actual place you can visit, but it is a traveling event, one that will soon call upon a number of garden centers, public gardens, and nature-cool destinations around the Golden State. "The world's largest (and most fun) heirloom tomato seedling sale" will give at-home gardeners the chance to shop, ask questions, and get to know some of the varieties out there, all while planning their next grilled cheese, caprese salad, or puttanesca sauce. Where to go, though? Roger's Gardens in Corona del Mar goes full tomato as February 2020 ends and March begins, while Tapia Brothers in Encino happens near the middle of the month. Or will you be around lovely Sonoma on April 18 and 19, a very lovely time to be in that particular neck of the wine-tastic woods? You'll want to call upon Cornerstone.

FOLLOW THE TOMATO TOUR... by checking out which places are on the 2020 concert t-shirt, er, schedule. What if you could visit all of them, like a fan hits every concert played by a favorite band? Surely our state has an heirloom tomato superfan ready to hit the road? Find out all of the juicy details now.

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