From the site: "California’s Capitol is a site dedicated to providing information about exactly what the name says. There are posts about the Legislature, the state budget, ballot measures, politics, the economy, the governor, fundraising – and a little bit of history. The goal is education, explanation and a bit of entertainment but, be forewarned, sometimes the content gets a bit eclectic, esoteric and edgy. In more than 25 years of writing about the Capitol, state government and politics — first for legal newspapers then, for 19 years, the San Francisco Chronicle – there’s a perspective presented here that won’t be found many other places. California’s Capitol dares to be boring. Changes in tax law, the intricacies of redevelopment, subventions, mandates and assessments of what legislation really does rather than how it’s pitched to the public will be found here with callous regularly. Examples of hypocrisy and stupidity will always warrant coverage."