Corpse Flower: Oh, It's On

"When" has been the question regarding The Huntington Library & Gardens headline-garnering Corpse Flower. Curious people were arriving to sniff it. Press types and flower followers were nosing around with urgency. And it was predicted that the massive, and massively smelly, flower would open between June 10th and 15th.

Didn't happen. On the 16th, a Tuesday, the Huntington hosted special opening hours with a special price. Hoping, hoping. Still Corpse-y demurred. So coy. So very, very coy.

But at 2PM on Wednesday the 17th, the superstar bloom machine finally went for all the glory. The good people behind the gardens say the Corpse Flower will take about seven hours to fully open, so if you're planning on showing up to see the magic, expect micromovements.

Still, if you become a Huntington member, there are special night hours. You and the CF could be having a little one-on-one time near sundown. And when we say "one-on-one" we mean one-on-one with a lot of other flower fans. But you knew that.

We can almost smell its special nose-curdling-ness on the soft evening breezes now. Tempting.

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