We respect someone who spends much of her day dressed as a mermaid or a naughty Victorian lady. Dame Darcy, whether be-fish-tail-ed or not, is a whimsical artist given to celebrating the merry macabre, talking wolves, gothic hijinks and yes, everything mermaid-related. She'll be signing "Gasoline," her newest graphic novel, at Bert Green Fine Art on downtown's Gallery Row this Saturday. Several paintings of Dame Darcy will also be on exhibition at the gallery.
Regulars at Meltdown and Golden Apple will know the artist's "Meatcake" comic series, which includes archly monikered characters like Effluvia and not-separated-at-birth twins Hindrance and Perfidia. Others will recognize her from costume-y happenings in both New York and Los Angeles (we'd personally be sad to be at a major parade or comic convention and not see the good dame in tiara, fish tail and full-on sparkly/girly gear).
Our hearts have been captured by the many LA characters that seem to live an outsized life. Dame Darcy doesn't merely seem to live that life, she really does, and every time we cross her path we vow to be a bit more outsized ourselves. Anyone know where we can get glittery, scaly fish tail, size women's M?
Dame Darcy Exhibit and Book Signing
Saturday October 25, 2-4PM (exhibit stays open later)
Bert Green Fine Art, 102 W. Fifth Street, Los Angeles