Fan-Created Trailers Add to Fan Fiction Universe

When a group of kids get together to recreate, nearly frame-by-frame, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it's big news. But fans are also creating not just films but film trailers. The difference between the two categories is distinct: one group makes movies about movies that have already been released, another group is so excited about movies to come that they're making trailers even ahead of said movie's debut. If that all makes sense.

It makes sense to us, but more than that, it fills us with a special joy. Because clearly there are people who love cinema so hard and so fiercely that they just have to make a pre-film in homage, using earlier footage from other movies in the series, or pictures of the actors, or what have you. This month we're seeing several fan-created "New Moon" trailers popping up at spots like Twilight Moms and Twilight Treasury; the movie will be released in November 2009, but some "Twilight" buffs are just way ahead of the game. They simply cannot wait. Which feels like a fun thing in a stressed-out world.

What does it all mean? We suppose that if you've made a film, and people are posting homemade trailers months ahead of its release, that's a positive sign that your work is going to open in a very spectacular way.

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