Happy 100th, Neon Sign

A bright nighttime classic marks its centennial.

LA. We know. People are hard on us. Great boulevards, *we're* hard on us. But if something major is happening, a huge date or an anniversary of some significant invention, bet we can find a place to gather to celebrate, somewhere in our large and not-always-easy town.

Take the 100th anniversary of the neon sign, which happened on Tuesday, Nov. 9. In a lot of places, one might have to go and stare at some neon sign -- if the town even has any neonage, that is -- to observe the date. Here, however, we have a whole museum devoted to neon, and they are most definitely marking the centennial.

How? Electrodes. In fact, historic electrodes, to be precise. You were going to say "historic electrodes," right? Thought so. The downtown museum has a bunch on display, and look it here: The museum will be doing it up during Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk on Thursday, Nov. 11. You can get in sans admission from noon to 2 p.m., and then for the low price of five bucks the rest of the day.

BUT. If you wear a "light art costume," MONA will let you in free on Nov. 11, regardless of the time (well, not after closing, of course). You have one of those hanging around in the closet? Of course you do. You're a person who gets excited about historic electrodes. Our kind of person.

If you can't make Art Walk, the Museum of Neon Art has a bunch of flickery-flickery fun things ahead in the coming weeks.

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