It would be just such the coincidence if you do take your gin in a teacup.
Maybe you do, maybe you don't. But whatever side of the gin/tea cup fence you fall, you can use the sentence "I take my gin in a teacup" to get a half-off an Esotouric tour of one of our city's loveliest, most fabled pockets.
That pocket: West Adams. Did your skin just prickle with delight? If a local author ever does a mysterious-wardrobe-ish-fantasy book, set in Los Angeles, we just know one of those shadow-filled mansions will be the setting.
Esotouric's theme is "weird" West Adams. There will be stories told. Luridness. Eyebrows cocked. More skin prickles.
Tour's on Saturday, June 5. Normal price is $58. Cut that in half if you email "I take my gin in a teacup" to Esotouric. Info now.