KCRW Announces Free Summer Nights Series

Hot Hot Heat are starting the party in Old Town Pas.

We're figuring, if we play it right, that somewhere, in town, all summer, there will be a free concert.

Because that's how it is looking at the moment. On the very day that Farmers Market cuts the ribbon on its famous Summer Music Series, KCRW announced its Summer Nights schedule, or at least the first chapter.

First up: Hot Hot Heat in Old Town Pasadena on Saturday, June 12. Everest will be back in Old Pas on June 26. KCRW DJs like Dan Wilcox and Chris Douridas will be on the stage as well.

Then the whole shebang moves downtown in July, to California Plaza. Nortec Collective is one name in the hat. Yes.

Keep an eye on this page for details. Let's say the word "free" again here. Free free free.

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