You might have heard a couple of oft-told things in your journey on this earth. One is true, one isn't, so we'd like to set the record straight right now.
The first thing you might have heard is that New York City throws a fine street fair. Hoo boy, does it ever; that place has it down. The booths, the music, the kerchief-wearing dogs, the fair goers eating gelato and looking effortlessly fashionable. Jealy? Yeah, we are, a bit.
The second thing? New York and LA are at odds. Save "Annie Hall," which mined this topic in perfect fashion, we're not sure that this is all that true nowadays. How many people do you know who move between the coasts with ease? We'll answer that: many.
So when NYC shares one of her best street fairs with us, it makes sense. And that it happens to be the Hester Street Fair is wonderful indeed. And we were so happy to learn that the Manhattan food-filled classic will unfurl near Hollywood and Vine -- actually one block east -- over four summer days.

It's free, food'll be for sale, and each of the four summer happenings will rock a general theme. The June 2 theme is bite-sized food and crafts. Craft beer, vintage goodies, and tunes'll round it out, Hester Street-style.
The upcoming dates after June 2 are July 7, Aug. 18, and Aug. 25. Calendars marked? Yay.
Now, if only the organizers could import the beautiful old Hester Street sign that stands over the New York fair. Well, NYC, you keep your pretty sign. We won't be too covetous, because our city rules, too. So. Friendsies?
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