Outdoor Dancing, Chilling at Free Summer Music Series

Evening. Sun low. A pitcher of beer and a couple of friends just off work. And free music in a convivial, historic, outdoor setting. We are fans of the Farmers Market Summer Music Series, the annual Thursday-and-Friday-night free concerts at the Fairfax landmark, and we know we're not alone.

People tend to arrive early, even late afternoon-ish, for these summertime shows, the better to scout out a primo table and wait for pals just getting out of the office or school. Sometimes that waiting is one of our favorite bits: the people watching, the day ending, the band setting up, the pre-dinner noshing on nachos and beignets. If you can't make it early to get one of those front tables, no worries; the standing and swaying is pleasant, too.

There are many, many bands, playing Western swing and old-style lounge and rootsy rock, ahead in summer '09; Thursday's opener moves to the jazzy Cuban rhythms of Orquesta Charangoa.

The price: Free. The dates: Thursdays and Fridays starting May 28 through summer. The time: 7-9PM. The place: West Patio at Farmers Market, Third Street and Fairfax Avenue. The theme: Hellooo, summer.

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