Seeing LA in New Ways

The route for the Great Los Angeles Walk 2010 has been chosen.

Signs of early fall in Los Angeles: the inevitable mix of strange temperature fluctuations -- Santa-Ana-esque winds followed by damp wintry days. Movie critics starting to call front runners in the Oscar race. And Mike Schneider of the popular Franklin Avenue blog announcing the street that the Great Los Angeles Walk will take place on.

The walk, which always happens the Saturday before Thanksgiving, is now a strut-it staple of our city, having covered all sorts of major thoroughfares over the last few years. Enjoyers of our city have hoofed it down vast stretches of Pico, taking in the sights and history. And Santa Monica Boulevard. And Washington and Adams, both. And Wilshire, and now Wilshire again.

Whoops. We spilled it. Mr. Schneider did indeed just announce, on Monday, Oct. 4, that the annual mega-gathering he helms is headed back to the tar-pittiest, Art-Deco-iest, Beverly-Hill-department-store-iest stretch in all the land.

That's good news. We're true-blue Wilshirians, and while we have a fondness for all our city's outsized boulevardia, there's nothing to beat the Desmond's tower at dusk. Or the glowy greenness of the Wiltern at any time of the day. Or MacArthur Park, or the other area you see near Wilshire with a lot of water. Thinking, thinking. Oh, right. The Pacific. That's at the western terminus of Wilshire.

(One more thought: Any street with a western terminus at the Pacific is likely a great and storied street. Period.)

LA Conservancy is joining in this year, says Mr. Schneider, and there will be some sort of guide to the environs. Best follow along at Franklin Avenue for all the latest details. And the Saturday before Thanksgiving in 2010 is Nov. 20, take note.

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