Rendering via LA Observed
Malibu's first upscale shopping center, the Lumber Yard, opened in the site of an actual former lumber yard this weekend, prompting much pontificating on the state of Malibu retail. LA Observed sums up the big irony here:
"Like so many of my neighbors, I still can't believe that Malibu Lumber is gone. In its place, we're stuck with another chichi shopping district. Considering that close to half the storefronts in the Cross Creek center just across the street now stand empty, upscale retail seems like a fool's errand. You can't buy sand paper or a socket wrench here in Malibu, but if you're in need of a $200 t-shirt, no problem."
And the LA Times points out that no less a personage than Dick van Dyke wrote "an acerbic letter to the Malibu Times" about "having to drive to Agoura and Calabasas to shop for a screwdriver and underwear, basics he could not find in Malibu's Civic Center area." True, but if he needs a custom J.Crew surfboard, he's in the right place.
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