MySpace appears to have soft launched their self-service advertising platform this evening. First spotted by Nick O’Neill over at SocialTimes, the platform would appear to be targeted at MySpace’s large musician community, offering them options for targeting users based on a number of demographic and interest-related characteristics.
As opposed to most ad networks where the advertisements link to external web pages, the ads on MySpace’s self-service solution link to profiles on the social network. That would make sense given the focus on musicians, especially with the launch of MySpace Music – the company’s new digital music venture with the record labels – set to happen any day. With artists soon able to monetize their pages by selling music, ringtones, concert tickets, and merchandise, it would make sense to offer them an option to reach more users through ads.
As for the fee structure, MySpace explains: “There is no fee for you advertisement to appear on MySpace. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad and visits your profile to learn more about your offer. We will keep showing your ad on MySpace until your campaign has reached its expiration date, or you have reached your spending limit.” There is however a $25 minimum for campaigns.
Facebook offers a similar self-service advertising platform, though ads can either direct users to external websites or to Facebook Pages – the social network’s equivalent to the profiles users setup on MySpace for musicians and other commercial interests. Also, MySpace ads appear to be all banners – either 728×90 or 300×250 – as opposed to the text or graphical options offered by Facebook.
More information is available on and in the new product’s FAQ.
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