
Tell Us: Are You Learning New Skills or Hobbies While Self-Isolating?

New Skill or Hobby

By now, you’ve probably settled into something resembling a household routine, a pandemic version of one, at least — taking care of school, work, chores and quality family time within the confines of your home. But you may have extra hours to fill, with less time spent commuting and running errands, and no more in-person extracurriculars. Are you finally learning a skill or hobby you’ve always mused about but never acted upon, or are you learning things out of necessity?

We want to hear from you — are you taking this time to learn a new skill or hobby? Are these solo journeys, or is the whole household involved? And what tips do you have for other novices who want to follow your lead and teach themselves something new? What resources have been most or least helpful to you? And how do you keep yourself from getting discouraged as you tackle the learning curve? Send us your tips, tricks, links to key resources — and photos or videos to show off your progress!

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