AM Headlines: After the Storm

A look at this morning's headlines around LA

Sprinkling of Irony: The LA Times catches the city violating its own water-conservation rules. Full Story

Storm Evacuees Wait: After the storm, all they can do is wait for word on when they can return home. Full Story

Meet the Rose Inspector: The Register talks with a Customs and Border Protection inspector who is in for a busy week as Valentine flower shipments arrive. OC Register

Lancaster Mayor Apologizes:
He says his "Christian community" remark might have made some people feel left out. LA Times

But in Santa Clarita...:
A council member now faces a complaint over his "proud racist" comment. The Signal

Different Tastes: Not everyone likes the odor produced by a food flavoring company in San Clemente. OC Register

The Torchenator: For Olympic fans, it's a "huh, go figure" moment as a new torch relay runner was announced: none other than actor-turned-California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. NBCOlympics

Glendale Wants Consultation on Glendale: The Glendale News Press looks at Glendale's identity crisis -- perceived or otherwise.  News Press

Let's Try This Again: They'll try, fry and grill again, this time with a mobile food court in downtown LA. Full Story

Barely Noticeable: A plan to expand bear hunting in California probably won't mean much for hillside communities near the San Gabriel Mountains. Pasadena Star-News


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Dodgers play poorly in 5-0 shutout loss to Astros

Downtown Los Angeles hosting KCON, biggest K-pop fest in the world

Go Fourth and Prosper: The Jazz outscore the Clippers 29-15 in the fourth quarter to win their ninth straight. ESPN Los Angeles



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