Big Brothers Big Sisters believes that with the support of a caring mentor, every child has the ability to achieve his or her full potential. Based in Santa Ana, Calif., the Orange County agency was incorporated in 1958 and works as a local extension of the national effort to make professionally supported, one-to-one matches between mentors (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”) facing adversity. Together with the Inland Empire agency, which opened its doors in 2013 to serve San Bernardino and Riverside counties, the affiliate has served more than 3,000 children in 2015 through programs that improve the odds of youth performing better in school and avoiding violence and illegal activities.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County and the Inland Empire is looking for mentors to positively impact the lives of children in our communities. We have 200 children on our wait list who need a positive role model like you. As a mentor, you have the opportunity to shape a child's future—just a few hours twice a month can give a child the invaluable gift of friendship!
If you live in Orange County, you can sign up to mentor a child in your community here.
Those in San Bernardino and Riverside counties can click here.