
Holiday Fail: Elf on the Shelf Goes Down in a Blaze of Glory After Mom Cooks Elf

"I seriously forgot I put the freaking elf in the freaking oven."

A Texas mom really didn’t plan for the holiday tradition of Elf on the Shelf to end quite this way.

While many fantasize about burning their Elf on the Shelf after having to deal with a tradition they started, and their kids actually started to love, one mom got to see the little guy turn to a bubbly golden brown. 

Sneaky: Elf on the Shelf Ideas in Photos

While it was an accident, parents across social media can’t help but shake their heads and laugh after she accidentally burned, and melted, her family’s elf.

Wylie, Texas, mom Brittany Mease said she dreads the holiday tradition that she’s been carrying for five years, but it really was a big mistake that she sent their elf to elf heaven.

Because their elf, named Elfis, was discovered to have a broken leg when he arrived this Christmas, he needed to be sent to the hospital by Doc McStuffins, which Mease was initially very excited about, because she got a two week break from moving the elf.

When her son Gray noticed that two weeks had passed, and Elfis had not popped up, Mease quickly tossed the elf in the oven before her children noticed he was sitting on the counter.


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"I preheated the oven and started cleaning the kitchen. About 4 minutes later I started to smell something REALLY funky and that’s when all hell broke loose and I broke my son’s heart," Mease said.

Her son came bounding into the kitchen after hearing someone scream "ELF!" -- it was Mease, using colorful language -- his face was quickly overtaken by a look of horror as he saw the Elf with his head popped off, and suit charred. 

"Brittany rushed in to help me get him out and Gray came in the kitchen with excitement (literally the happiest I think I’ve seen him since he got out of the hospital) thinking our elf was back but his world fell apart as we were using kitchen utensils to get our burnt and melting elf out of the damn oven," she said.

With a quick post to Facebook, parents all over have reacted to the story. 

She's been featured on several sites, and someone even created a candelit vigil event for Elfis. The post has been liked 150,000 times. 

The Texas mom had to call Santa in front of her children and ask him to kindly come pick Elfis up as he was obviously too injured to travel in his condition.

She luckily had a spare Elf, and now the family is back in business. 

Though, her daughter Ily was glad to see the elf gone for a bit. 

"Ily was 'glad the elf is gone because now he can't tell on her' — she's a savage child," Mease said.

Mease is using her newfound elf notoriety to bring awareness to her daughter's condition

She has had three brain surgeries while battling Chiari malformation, a structural defect in the base of the skull, as well as epilepsy, sensory processing disorder and common variable immune deficiency.

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