A search for news anchorwoman Paula Lopez has been called off after she has been reported found safe at home.
She had been last seen in the morning at her home.
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office received a call after 10 a.m. from concerned family members that Lopez was missing. She was an anchorwoman with KEYT, the ABC affiliate in Santa Barbara.
Her station released a statement, reading, in part: "This morning we learned that a beloved member of the KEYT family, Paula Lopez has gone missing.
"We have been in touch with her family and know they, as well as local authorities, are doing everything possible to find her safe and sound."
The last time her family talked to her was at 9:30 a.m.
Two K-9 units and a Santa Barbara County helicopter were called in to assist with the search of her home and surrounding area.
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Lopez began her career with KEYT in 1985, as an intern. She left to anchor in Los Angeles, but returned to NewsChannel 3 in 1996.