LA Zoo Giraffe Picks Super Bowl Winner

The teams' logos were attached to Artie the Giraffe's feeders.

It's a simple fact of the natural world that giraffes can see further than we closer-to-the-ground humans. But does their nearer-to-the-sky stature give our long-necked friends more insight into what is down the road?

Like a few days down the road, even?

The Los Angeles Zoo asked Artimus, a resident Masai giraffe, to weigh in on Super Bowl XLIX. Nope, Artie wasn't quizzed about point spreads or big plays, but rather the simple question on all fans' minds: Who will win football's biggest showdown on Sunday, Feb. 1?

Keepers helped Artie out by filling two feeders with the same amount of feed. One feeder had the Seattle Seahawks logo attached to the front, the other the New England Patriots. For anyone worried about fairness, a note on the video states: "This process was recorded in its entirety to document an equal amount of the same food was placed in each receptacle."


When both receptacles were presented to the giraffe, he immediately went for, drumroll please, avert your eyes if you want to be surprised, here it comes... the feeder bearing the symbol for the New England Patriots.

Has Artimus the Masai giraffe gazed a few days into the future? Can a tall animal living in Griffith Park see all the way to Arizona? Questions, questions.


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The zoo does add rather cheeky disclaimer which says this: "Artimus the Masai giraffe is not responsible for your use or belief in his prediction. He's never played football, does not have a TV, and he's a giraffe."

People watching the winds? Here's another clue as to which team may or may not win. People who need a smile, because giraffes are smile-inducers, whatever they're up to? Here's video.

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