What Keeps Kobe Up At Night? Dogs&%@#

What is the thing that haunts Kobe Bryant at night? No, not game six from the finals last year. Not Kevin Garnett or LeBron James. Not the fact Shaq is playing well again. Not his own mortality.

Nope, it’s what his dog is doing in the back yard.

Like, I hate dogs&%@#. I have a dog and I do not clean the crap outside. It’s a phobia. It drives me crazy. You wake up in the morning and you think, Damn, this big ol’ German shepherd probably just took a crap outside in the yard, and I gotta wake up and go pick it up. That is something that keeps me tossin’ and turnin’.

The man playing through two busted up fingers on his shooting hand is afraid of dog poop? How does he walk the dog, sans bag? That would be bad form.

Our advice: Get a smaller dog.

Kurt Helin's crossover dribble was good enough to land him a desk job, from where he started the Lakers blog Forum Blue & Gold.

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