626 Night Market's 2020 Schedule Is Here

The popular pop-up will be back over four summertime weekends, starting with the Fourth of July.

Bryan J. Cole

What to Know

  • July 3-5 and 10-12, Aug. 28-30, Sept. 4-6
  • Santa Anita Park
  • Shaved ice, matcha milk tea, cantaloupe juice, shrimp rolls, and thousands of other flavor-amazing treats for sale

The pleasure of popping small fried potatoes into your mouth as you saunter into the setting sun on a worry-free Friday night?

There's no way to put a price to that, or fully give its poetic due, or truly rhapsodize about the joy it can bring.

You can, however, recommend that people try just that, and if they're not into fried potatoes, they may be fans of colossal cookies or fancy cheese puffs or spring shrimp rolls or tempura ice cream or one of the many delicious offerings at the 626 Night Market.

Are you ready to find out if you, too, dig sunsets, lighthearted eating opportunities, and summer nights, all swirled into one super experience?

The 2020 dates for the popular foodie happenings were just announced, as the second half of January got going, all to give fans some time to plan.

All four of the 626 Night Markets will be three-evening affairs, as is tradition with this event, which takes its fanciful inspiration from the iconic after-dark markets of Asia.


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Weekend #1 will happen over Independence Day, from July 3-5, while weekend two follows days later, from July 10-12.

August has its own 626 Night Market, from the 28th through 30th, while September wraps it all up, on the 4th, 5th, and 6th.

The place to go? It's Santa Anita Park in Arcadia.

And, you bet: There shall be eat-ready iterations in both the Bay Area and Orange County, if you like to take your supping statewide, or at least visit the creative food makers outside of your city.

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