Roam the Flight Path Museum by Way of Google Earth

LA Tourism and LAX are partnering on the from-home Zoom tour, which will take virtual flight in honor of National Travel and Tourism Week.

Flight Path Museum & Learning Center

What to Know

  • Friday, May 8 at 12:30 p.m.
  • LA Tourism and LAX are co-helming the Zoom event
  • Peek inside a DC-3 and take a look at uniforms from the past

Poking around a place with planes?

That is straight from the "not going to happen" category, a hard fact for those aficionados who adore all aspects of aviation.

But there are artifact-packed institutions we can gladly visit, spots that celebrate our life in the skies, including the Flight Path Museum and Learning Center at Los Angeles International Airport.

You can't take wing for the plane-perfect spot at the moment, as the museum is temporarily closed. But, thanks to a partnership between LA Tourism and LAX, The Flight Path will open up to at-home viewers for a special event on Friday, May 8.

It's a tour you can take simply by sitting in front of your screen. Nope, you won't be using radar or control tower technology to check on the museum from afar, but Google Earth will be employed to give you a you-are-kind-of-there vibe.

And what's there, besides plenty of wings? Other things, including "... countless aircraft models, posters and memorabilia."

Keep an eye out for the huge collection in-flight uniforms, too, one of the many feathers in the (pilot's) cap of this particular institution.

"The museum’s director, Agnes Huff (former flight attendant for PSA whose uniform may make a cameo) will be joined by other members of the Flight Path staff for a guided tour of aviation history and a healthy dose of travel inspo," is the good word on this midday treat for plane lovers.

And if you'd like a peek inside a DC-3, word on the street, er, in the sky is that is nigh.

It's all free, but you'll want to register so you can join the Zoom event.

The reason this nifty virtual meet-up is taking wing? It's all in honor of National Travel and Tourism Week, which is on now.

The week encompasses the "... annual celebration of the contributions and accomplishments of the U.S. travel industry, spotlights resilience and hope in the face of the coronavirus pandemic."

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