Special Open Days: Annenberg Pool

Warmer temps mean weekend splashing at a famous community beach house.

Are you a resident of Southern California? Then please feel free to wash the dishes or answer some emails while we address everyone everywhere else in a few heartfelt lines.

Don't go away though, we'll need you in a sec, swearsies.

Ahem. Dear nice people who don't live in the Los Angeles region. How are you? Good. Things okay you're way? Excellent. Pets, kids, work? Fine, fine.

So here's the thing: LA is sometimes mythologized as a place where swimming in January is a possibility. It's said to be a citrus-scented land where pool water glints and the sky is ocean-blue and it is often 80-some degrees on New Year's Day.

We're here to tell you that this is all completely true, dear out-of-towners. It's factual. Absolutely accurate. Exhibit A? The Annenberg Community Beach House is opening its beach-close swimming pool on Saturday, Jan. 4 and Sunday, Jan. 5 because of the balmy streak of ridiculous major weather the region is currently enjoying.

Consider this a SoCal postcard, with warm wishes from out West. And SoCalers? You are invited to swim at the Annenberg at either day, but best arrive early: "No reservations needed," says the Annenberg, and "passes go on sale at 9:30 a.m." An adult entry is ten bucks.

Howdy but this is sure tempting. You want to see a gaggle of happy, goggle-sporting people queued up, ready for winter swim fun? Head for Santa Monica either weekend morning, and remember the sunblock.

The Scene

Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

An illuminated art show glows at the Norton Simon Museum

A ‘Cosmic Art Night' will shimmer at Mount Wilson Observatory

And people everywhere else? We don't share this delightful development to stoke envy, but only to say that sometimes nice rumors are true, and you should come see LA on a January day. 

Just pick a week that isn't rainy, because sure as sure, the winter wetness'll be back around before long, and we're not talking pool water. Best puff our chests now, over this sunshine, before the pool-shuttering cold sweeps back into town.

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