That Super-Buttery ‘Pancake Cake' Is Back (Briefly) at Milk Bar

Brown sugar and maple syrup play major roles in this limited-time confection, oh golly.

Milk Bar

What to Know

  • Pancake Cake at Milk Bar
  • $62 for a six-inch cake
  • Maple syrup glaze, cookie butter rocking brown sugar and cinnamon, and a bounty of butter are involved with the limited-time treat

A pancake, it might be said, is one of the great canvases of the cuisine world, be it round, oblong, or a bubbly sort of shape with one weird edge.

Squeeze some syrup on this buttery blank slate, add some chocolate chips, or maybe criss-cross it with strips of bacon, if you're feeling it: It all looks good atop a pancake, and it tastes pretty primo, too.

But there's something curious about everyone's favorite batter-based breakfast food: While it often inspires the artist in us, serving as an ideal place to place a line-up of tempting toppings, it doesn't find its way into other dishes as often as you might expect.

"Pancakes for dinner" might be a rare treat, but they're still pancakes, usually.

And pancake sandwiches? Well, the "bread" part frequently looks fairly similar to a classic flapjack.

Sometimes, however, the spirit of a pancake shows up inside a wholly new thing, boasting a different take even as the classic pancake-y tastes remain consistent.

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Take the Pancake Cake from Milk Bar, a limited-time goodie that sold out in a flash in 2022, or nearly. It isn't a tower of one-on-top-of-the-other pancakes, nope; rather, this is an actual cake that takes its character, spirit, and syrup-y heft from the early-morning icon.

The gooey gateau has returned to the LA-based bakery for another short spell, all to give those people who adore breakfast time and cake time the fanciful foodstuff they've long longed for, but perhaps didn't know could be a reality.

But the six-inch Pancake Cake, which is priced at $62, is definitely real: It creatively consists of "... layers of fluffy pancake cake, brown sugar cinnamon cookie butter, maple syrup glaze, brown butter crumb, and a generous slab of *butter* on top."

Crumb, slab, glaze, and fluffy: These are the words that win us over, whether we're heating up a griddle at 7 a.m. or seeking an offbeat sweet at the end of the night.

Don't linger on this festive and filling mash-up, however; it isn't an everyday staple on the Milk Bar shelves, which means you'll want to "flip" for it soon. (And, for sure: You can order in-store or have it delivered.)

(Nope, you probably shouldn't actually try to flip a slice of Pancake Cake, seeing as how it is cake and not a flat golden batter-y disc, but flipping out over its tastiness? This is absolutely permitted.)

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