Time to Daydream: National Plan for Vacation Day Is Here

Visit California has ideas on where you can go, what you can see, what you might eat, and other future-fun notions.

Visit California/David Collier

NATIONAL HOLIDAYS? Specifically those charming and quirkier occasions that pop up in the hospitality sphere? They are, for the most part, very much about what you can enjoy in the moment. Take National Ice Cream Day, which is all about locating a lickable and lively ice cream deal. National Pancake Day? You'll want to check in with your favorite diners, to see what sort of short stacks are available. You can go down the list, finding all of the do-it-now stuff on the have-fun calendar. But there is a day that isn't about the "now" so much as the "soon" or the "one day" or the "bit further down the road." It's called...

NATIONAL PLAN FOR VACATION DAY, and it happens on Jan. 26 in 2021, which is right around the time when people might be merrily musing about summer road trips and warm-weather adventures. National Plan for Vacation Day always lands on the final Tuesday in January, when nights are still long and days are chilly, making July, August, and September fantasies all the more tempting. The challenges of the pandemic have also set people to daydreaming about the next time they'll visit a national park or favorite seashore, upping the meaning, and deep emotion, of our current National Plan for Vacation Day. So what's your next move as you wait, ponder, and hope for the chance to explore once more, whenever that down-the-road day might arrive?

VISIT CALIFORNIA... is brimming with ideas about where to go and what to do, once you are back on the highway and exploring the Golden State. Alight upon the agency's "Dream Big and Plan 2021" page now for further inspiration, and explore how you can start putting together a vacation, even if it might be several months away. Seeking "10 Ways to Celebrate National Plan for Vacation Day"? Visit California has suggestions right here, such as ordering a California's Visitor Guide to signing up for the tourism organization's weekly newsletter.

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