
Coronavirus Puts San Francisco's 4/20 Celebration on Hold

NBC Universal, Inc.

Another change brought on by COVID-19 -- San Francisco’s 4/20 celebration in Golden Gate Park. 

Mayor London Breed said Monday that the celebration is on hold and that people should stay away or face a possible arrest.

“Do not come to San Francisco on 4/20 to Robin Williams Meadow,” said Breed. “We will not allow this unsanctioned event to occur this year.”

The cannabis celebration has been held in Golden gate Park since the 70s, but not this year.

“We will site you, if necessary, arrest,” she said.

The Mayor added that the area around the Meadow will be fenced off and roads will be blocked off, so those who want to smoke out will be kept out.

“It’s a good decision,” said San Francisco resident Rab. “Everyone cannabis inclined, and not, should be supportive of it.”

Police Chief WIlliam Scott said there will be plenty of officers out there to enforce the decision, and encourages those who must celebrate, to do so some other way.

“We encourage you to Zoom or whatever teleconferencing system you have to do in the privacy of your own home,” Scott said.

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