LA County

Free Lunches for Kids and Teens at Los Angeles County Libraries

The program is for those who are under the age of 18, regardless of their family income.

The Los Angeles County Library is offering free lunches to children and teens during the summer.

The program is aimed at those under the age of 18, regardless of family income. It will run through August 5 and meals will be available for pickup, on a first-come, first-served basis, between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., with the exception of July 4.

Minors do not need to be present to receive the food as parents and their caregivers can pick up the food on their behalf.

For more information on the program and participating libraries, click here.

"This will be the eighth year in a row that er have offered free meals through this program, " said Los Angeles County Library Director Skye Patrick.

"We realize that families rely on lunch and snack on programs to provide free, nutritious meals to their children when they are not in school. We are excited to once again provide this essential service."

The Lunch at the Library program is a project of California State Library in collaboration with the California Library Association, funded by the state.

For a list of participating libraries in Southern California, click here.

This article was originally appeared on our sister station, Telemundo 52. Para leer en Español, haga clic aquí.

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