Capturing Attention

Part of he Internet economy is going viral, or gaining attention among users or viewers, but the key to longevity is when those users or viewers become subscribers or fans. A new book, called Capitivology,looks into the phenomenon.

"I didn't want to write a marketing book or PR book," author Ben Parr told Press:Here. "I interviewed Ph.Ds and scientists... about how we pay attention to people and products."

Parr, a former editor for online tech site Mashable, said he broke down the way we pay attention to seven key aspects. A few are obvious, such as automacity, which is immediate, automatic attention to a loud noise, but he also write about what leads to long-term attention -- acknowledgment and empathy from companies.

He said his work at Mashable helped him with the book since the site began teaching aspects of social media as it emerged. 

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