Be sure to look up at the night sky Monday night as the Orionid meteor shower will be most visible early Tuesday morning.
The Orionid shower is considered one of the most known showers associated with Halley's Comet. They get their name due to the point they appear from, which happens to come from the constellation Orion.
On this night, the moon is set to be 44.66 percent full. The Orionids are a medium strength shower. In a normal year the Orionids produce 10-20 shower members.
Although the shower is said to go on from Oct. 2 through Nov. 7, its peak night is Oct. 20-21.
The best hours to view the shower will be from 4:41 a.m. to 5:41 a.m. early Tuesday morning. The conditions for viewing the shower will be fair, according to the Griffith Observatory.
Although there is no set way to enjoy a meteor shower, other than sitting back and enjoying the show, people can plan ahead. One way to plan ahead is by checking the weather conditions, as cloudy skies might make the showers less visible.
You can also download one of many meteor shower sky apps such as MeteorActive which alerts users whenever the shower is above their horizon. A helpful feature considering meteor watching can tend to be a waiting game.
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For a full schedule of upcoming meteor showers, click here.