Rose Parade

Admire Rose Parade Ponies a Few Days Early, in Burbank

Equestfest gives the public a chance to meet the parade's horses, and their riders, too, at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.

Rose Parade

What to Know

  • Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; the equestrian show is from noon to 2 p.m.
  • Los Angeles Equestrian Center in Burbank
  • $20 general admission

Animal lore swirls through the holidays, and the start of each year, and we look to the old stories, fairy tales, and lasting legends to find out what sort of luck the coming days may bring, depending on which beastie we happen to see while out in nature.

The animals we encounter as a new calendar begins might include the various birds and critters we see while we're out in our neighborhoods (or, yes, on our own couches, if we live with four-footed friends).

But there's one amazing animal we're guaranteed to behold on New Year's Day, if we watch the Rose Parade. And seeing this animal? It can make one feel very lucky, indeed, as a fresh year gets its start.

It's the horse we're cheering here, a mane-marvelous, hoof-rocking superstar that is synonymous with the venerable event.

These equine icons have long played a part in the parade, but the event's ponies also fill important roles before the first float rolls.

And those roles?

Greeting horse-loving visitors, wowing kids, and delighting audiences at Equestfest, an official Rose Parade event.

As is tradition, Equestfest takes place a few days ahead of the mane, er, main event, and in 2021 the ponies will trot on Dec. 29.

But wait: While pretty much all Rose Parade-related events take place in Pasadena, Equestfest gallops for Burbank and the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.

The spacious center gives the horses and their teams room to spread out a bit. For Equestfest isn't solely about a spectacular horse show, though that is at the center of the day, but also opportunities for visitors to saunter through the stables and chat up riders and trainers.

And, of course, get closer to the remarkable animals that lend the Rose Parade so much beauty and elegance.

You'll need an advance ticket before you go, and reading up on the event's safety policies ahead of time can be done here.

As for the show, which begins at noon? Audience members will "... (w)atch beautiful horses and talented riders perform drills and dances and demonstrate trick riding and roping."

For more on this beloved event, trot in the direction of the Rose Parade site now.

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