Cookies and Cupcakes Combine at Sprinkles

Cookie Season is on the sweet wind, and the started-in-SoCal cupcakery has a trio of tasty treats on the way.

Sprinkles Cupcakes

What to Know

  • Chocolate Mint cupcakes available from Jan. 14-19
  • Toasted Coconut, Caramel & Chocolate cupcakes available from Jan. 20-26
  • Peanut Butter Ganache cupcakes available from Jan. 27-31

Perhaps you're already dreaming of the box, or rather boxes, of Thin Mints you'll stow in the freezer, behind all of the other foodstuffs, so you and you alone can enjoy them.

Or are you in Samoa state of mind? Then we're guessing the cookie jar is already washed and prepped and sitting in the middle of the kitchen counter, awaiting you to fill it with coconut-laden noshables.

If cookies are collecting in your brain space as January marches on, and the idea of stocking the cupboards as Girl Scout tables pop up in front of local grocery stores, here's a crumb-filled twist to put you in the mood: Sprinkles Cupcakes will have three flavors that are straight from the cookies-meet-cupcakes column.

Those flavors will roll out, one a week, beginning on Jan. 14.

And best of all? Some of the proceeds from each cupcake sold will be donated to Step Up, "a nation non-profit helping to inspire and uplift teens through mentorship programs and after-school activities."

First up on the luscious line-up? It's Chocolate Mint, which includes chocolate peppermint frosting, a ganache drizzle, and other dessertful delights.


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Starting on Jan. 20? The cupcake in the spotlight is the Toasted Coconut, Caramel & Chocolate, which, in addition to its main ingredients, will rock a sugar cookie crust.

And on Jan. 27? Peanut Butter Ganache ends the month in a nicely nutty fashion.

Will you get all three? They're available for ordering online, though swinging by your nearest Sprinkles, during the days when your chosen treat will be available, is a sweet, in-person, eat-it-there opportunity, too.

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