What to Know
- Sprinkles Cupcakes shops
- Through Sunday, Aug. 25
- $4.95-$5.95 (depending upon bakery)
Picking a single classic afterschool treat?
Now that is a toughie.
We'd surely choose one perfect goodie, and then, after some consideration, we'd take our Pink Pearl eraser, the one in our pencil box, and erase, erase, erase, thinking we could find another foodstuff that signifies that time between the classroom and dinnertime.
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are up there in the peckish pantheon, yes, as are cookies stowed in wax sleeves.
But the Fluffer Nutter, as a banana-tasty, peanut buttery concept, towers above all in the school's-just-ended snackage department.
Are you a Fluffer Nutter nut? Then find your nearest Sprinkles Cupcakes, before the Sunday, Aug. 25 draws to a close, to buy one of these school-cool sweets.
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The cake part? That's the banana, while peanut butter frosting adds some glorious goo. There's a hint of marshmallow-based mellowness, too, one of the key ingredients of authentic Fluffer-Nutter-dom.
Even if you haven't sat in a schooldesk for some years now, or even decades, you never truly lose your love of the afterschool nibble. And Fluffer Nutter, in all of its appetite-pleasing forms, continues to rule the afterschool.
Unhand your pencil box, your Pink Pearl eraser, and your backpack, too, and get to your local Sprinkles now.